Proposal: changes to 5.6.2 (container delete)

Text from LC draft: 

5.6.2 When the LDPC server successfully completes the DELETE request on a 
LDPC, it MUST remove any membership triples associated with the LDPC as 
indicated by the canonical Request-URI. The LDPC server MAY perform 
additional removal of member resources. For example, the server could 
perform additional cleanup tasks for resources it knows are no longer 
referenced or have not been accessed for some period of time. 

Proposed replacement:

5.6.2 When the LDPC server successfully completes the DELETE request on a 
member LDPR, it MUST remove any membership triples associated with the 
LDPR as indicated by the Request-URI. 

Note: The LDPC server can perform additional removal of member resources 
[HTTP11]. For example, the server could perform additional cleanup tasks 
for resources it knows are no longer referenced or have not been accessed 
for some period of time. 

List of changes
- delete request is for a [member] ldpR, not ldpC
- triples are associated with the [deleted ldpR, not ldpC]
- remove canonical ... very very early feedback from Yves led us to ditch 
this term and its formal definition in LDP
- change all after first sentence to NON-normative, as a restatement of 
what HTTP delete already allows; as a consequence, MAY >> can

Best Regards, John

Voice US 845-435-9470  BluePages
Tivoli OSLC Lead - Show me the Scenario

Received on Wednesday, 2 October 2013 13:23:19 UTC