LDP F2F3 agenda

Hi all,

I've finalized the agenda for our upcoming face to face meeting. I would 
appreciate if you could have a look and let me know if it's missing 


As always this is just to get us something to work with, we will adjust as 

we go as necessary.

As you will see it is very heavily biased towards the spec which is meant 
to move to Last Call this month per our charter. To stay more or less on 
track, it is imperative that we leave the meeting with all issues closed, 
one way or another. With the summer months looming, failing to do so would 

probably mean incurring another three month delay, putting us way behind 

Note: the agenda reflects Spain's customs regarding meal times. As Raśl 
puts it: "before 13:00 or before 20:00 is is quite impossible to find 
anything open for eating." Beware. :-)

Arnaud  Le Hors - Software Standards Architect - IBM Software Group

Received on Wednesday, 29 May 2013 23:03:01 UTC