Re: Issue-71: the first bug tracking example

On 22 May 2013, at 10:06, Nandana Mihindukulasooriya <> wrote:

> 3. we correctly make the distinction between information resource and thing talked about
> Thank you very much for pointing this out. So if I change the example like the following, will it address your concern #3 ?
> ----------------------- Model 1 --------------------------------------
> </app/BugTracker> a ldp:Container, bt:BugTracker ;
>         ldp:membershipPredicate bt:hasProductDescription ;
> 	bt:hasProductDescription </app/BugTracker/ProductA> .
> ------
> </app/BugTracker/ProductA> a ldp:Container, bt:ProductDescription;
>         ldp:membershipPredicate bt:hasBugReport  ;
>         foaf:primaryTopic <#p>;
>         dcterms:title "The Ace Product Page";
> 	bt:hasBugReport </app/BugTracker/ProductA/Bug1> .
>  <#p> a bt:Product .
> ------
>  </app/BugTracker/ProductA/Bug1> a bt:BugReport;
>       foaf:primaryTopic <#b> ;
>       dcterms:title "Product A crashes when shutting down.";
>       dcterms:creator </users/johndoe#me>;
>       dcterms:created "2013-05-05T10:00"^^xsd:dateTime .
>  <#b> a bt:Bug;
>       bt:relatedProduct </app/BugTracker/ProductA#p>;
>       bt:isInState "New" .
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

yes. Here you distinguish correctly between the products and the page about 
the products, as well as between the bug and the page about the bug. 

Now presumably the following rule applies:

  </app/BugTracker> bt:hasProductDescription ?member .
} => { 
  </app/BugTracker> rdf:member ?member .

That is bt:hasProductDescription rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:member .

Whatever. In either case it seems we should be able to add 
to your </app/BugTracker> graph

   <BugTracker> rdfs:member <BugTracker/ProductA> .

and to your </app/BugTracker/ProductA> graph the

   <ProductA> rdfs:member <ProductA/Bug1> .

So now the question is simply, what is the UC&R case for adding
the membershipPredicate relation? I have the following hypothesis:

1. by specifying that membership relation you are developing a way
  to restrict what can be POSTed to the LDPC and hence what is contained in 
  the container.

    I imagine that somewhere your definition of 
   bt:hasProductDescription one finds that

  bt:hasProductDescription a rdfs:Property;
     rdfs:range bt:ProductDescription .

   or perhaps some restriction that says the same thing 
 but specifically when the subject is that particular 

2. You are trying to develop a simple language for making clear the 
   consequences of POSTing to the container. You want to say:
   by posting here you are creating a new Bug for product p that will
   be tied via the bt:hasProductDescription to this container.

I think clarity about the role of membershipPredicate would be
very helpful in understanding its position in the spec.

Have I guessed the reasons for the existence of membershipProperty


Social Web Architect

Received on Wednesday, 22 May 2013 12:48:44 UTC