Re: ldp-ISSUE-59 (recursive-delete): Reconsider usage of Aggregate/Composite construct to get predictable container delete behavior [Linked Data Platform core]

hello steve.

On 2013-03-19 7:51 , "Steve Speicher" <> wrote:
>This is not in line with what I was proposing, a regular-DELETE would
>remove just the container (both the triples of members and
>non-members).  In the case of recursive-DELETE, it would do the same
>as regular-DELETE and issue a recursive-DELETE on each container
>member object URL.

if it works this way, aren't you intentionally orphaning all members and
they will become undiscoverable once you have DELETEd the container around
them? while this is not violating REST, it is not a very useful pattern,
because it means that all these resources essentially become "Zombies in
RESTland" once you have deleted the container.



Received on Tuesday, 19 March 2013 19:14:33 UTC