Re: Issue-37: Ontological Modelling

hello henry.

On 2013-01-22 17:18 , "Henry Story" <> wrote:
>On 22 Jan 2013, at 17:15, "Wilde, Erik" <> wrote:
>>my question was why there would have to be any difference. your
>> explanation is that things need to be different because they behave
>> differently. i am saying i'd like them to be the same and there's no
>> to have any differences in behavior and whenever there's a choice in
>> models, choose the simpler one. so why do you think they *have* to
>> differently? i am looking for an explanation, not a statement.
>Because if you POST a graph you are creating a resource. There is no
>way to then have that same action be one to edit the content of the
>collection. You can use another method for that.

i don't think i fully understand what you're saying. i am saying you POST
a graph and create an entry, and that entry may contain the content, or
link to it. the server doesn't care or even know. what do you mean with
the "content of the collection"? the set of entries? the set of content
that's associated with the entries?

>Have you tried implementing it? It's obvious when you do.
>Think of the explanation in the Lemma as a result of implementation

well, i haven't implemented LDP, but i've implemented atompub which works.
and to be honest, "it's obvious" is not quite the explanation i was
looking for. could you be a bit more specific?



Received on Tuesday, 22 January 2013 16:29:39 UTC