Re: Fwd: Aggregation: simple proposal

On 04/01/13 21:55, Steve Speicher wrote:
>> IBM - what alternatives were considered for containership?
>> >
> (Assume you are wanting the background on the member submission on this)
> It would be hard for me to summarize the many discussions that
> occurred around this, especially in this email thread.  We were also
> watching RDF WG was considering in this area ISSUE-24
> Therefore there didn't appear to be a clear construct that we should
> use directly or augment.
> ...snip...

May I ask a specific question?

Why this approach, using ldp:membershipPredicate P?
I see no advantage over having a fixed well-known property, and harm 
with unnecessary difficult for access/querying.

(I can see why rdfs:member is a bad choice)


Received on Sunday, 6 January 2013 20:16:20 UTC