BPR: Is redirection permitted?

On 11/10/12 18:02, Arnaud Le Hors wrote:

> I actually agree with you on the fact that RDF and Linked Data are
> different - meaning there is a difference between the two, namely:
> URIs in Linked Data are dereferencable URLs

Can a GET on a BPR return 303?
Can BPR URIs have a fragment? (c.f. 4.1.2)

The intro to section 4 says that BPRs come from linked data rules and 
the Linked Data page mentions fragment and 303.

Or does the spec not care? (an example with a # would be good in that case)


PS which triggers the thought (unrelated):

Should a BPR respond 301 if not accessed by the canonical URL?

Received on Monday, 15 October 2012 09:21:05 UTC