Re: Introduction


I'm the deputy director of the Knowledge Media Institute at the Open University and the President of a semantics networking institute called STI International. 

I've spent the last decade doing research in the overlap between semantics and services mainly leading 3 large EU projects (DIP, SUPER and SOA4All).

The most relevant current work my team is involved is a set of vocabularies (Minimal Service Model, WSMO-Lite, MicroWSMO) and tools for describing WSDL and REST services as linked data, storing these in a dedicated repository [1] and supporting invocation. We are currently collaborating with SAP to map their Unified Service Model (USDL) to a Linked Data format [2].





On 30 May 2012, at 08:24, Arnaud Le Hors wrote:

> Hi all and welcome to the W3C Linked Data Platform WG! 
> I'd like to introduce myself and invite everyone on this WG to reply to this message with a short intro on who you are and what your interest is. 
> I'm part of IBM's standards group and recently got back in the vicinity of W3C as a result of IBM's interest in Linked Data. The Interview: IBM on the Linked Data Platform the W3C posted last week gives more info on this. 
> My previous dealings with W3C were primarily from 1997 to 2004, first as a staff member and then an IBM rep. I primarily worked on HTML4, DOM, and XML, as editor, activity lead, and co-chair, but I also had something to do with the W3C Patent Policy (fun times! ;-) as IBM AC rep. More recently I was involved in the task force that led to the launch of the W3C Community Groups. 
> I'm currently member of the RDF Core WG and I will be co-chairing the LDP WG along with Erik Wilde from EMC. 
> --
> Arnaud  Le Hors - Software Standards Architect - IBM Software Group

Deputy Director, Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University
Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK
phone: 0044 1908 653800, fax: 0044 1908 653169
email: web:

President, STI International
Amerlingstrasse 19/35, Austria - 1060 Vienna
phone: 0043 1 23 64 002 - 16, fax: 0043 1 23 64 002-99
email:  web: 

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Received on Wednesday, 30 May 2012 12:12:26 UTC