Re: decentralized use cases

On 7/12/12 11:31 AM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>> Otherwise you can of course also tie this into other authentication 
>> systems.
> Yes, WebID works with OpenID for instance. You can even use OAuth as 
> part of the system too.
> Little glossary of terms:
> 1. WebID -- a cryptographically verifiable agent (humans, 
> organizations, and machines) identifier in the form of a 
> de-referencable URI
> 2. WebID Authentication Protocol -- a RESTful protocol for leverages 
> Linked Data for cryptographic verification of WebIDs .
> WebID is all about a RESTful read-write-web driven by Linked Data.
> I (and I guess others) would like to know what you don't find RESTful 
> about the WebID protocol.
> Kingsley 
Typo fix edition:

Little glossary of terms:

1. WebID -- a cryptographically verifiable agent (humans, organizations, 
and machines) identifier in the form of a de-referencable URI
2. WebID Authentication Protocol -- a RESTful protocol *that* leverages 
Linked Data for cryptographic verification of WebIDs .



Kingsley Idehen	
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
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Received on Thursday, 12 July 2012 15:55:01 UTC