Re: LDP interfaces in Java (based on Jena and JAX-RS)

hello ashok.

On 2012-08-06 11:08 , "Ashok Malhotra" <> wrote:
>In addition to Reza's questions i would like to ask whether the WG will
>linked data in XML and JSON in addition to linked data in RDF.

while i cannot speak for the group authoritatively, i had the same
question when we started working, assuming that REST could mean negotiable
representations and maybe giving recommendations on how to expose linked
data for a greater variety of consumers. however, it seems that the
majority of the group considers "linked data" to be based on RDF by
definition, and my take-away from the initial discussions was that there
is little interest to work on how to make linked data available to non-RDF

when it comes to simply representing RDF in XML or JSON, there's of course
always RDF/XML and JSON-LD, which are serializations of RDF in the
respective formats, but i assume you were asking about scenarios where the
data model is not based on RDF.



Received on Monday, 6 August 2012 09:33:27 UTC