Re: using con-neg for a genid view, maybe solving the PATCH dilemma

On 02/05/2014 03:16 AM, Pierre-Antoine Champin wrote:
> Hi Sandro,
> very elegant indeed.
> The only drawback that I can see is that clients willing to use 
> TurtlePatch will either have to
> - perform an additional GET with Accept:text/turtlepatch just before 
> they do the PATCH, or
> - systematically require text/turtlepatch when they GET any resource 
> representation.
> I'm not sure about the impact of the second option...

Assuming you construct your genids reasonably, I can't see the second 
option being much of a burden.   Documents with a lot of rdf:List 
structures will take up a lot more bytes on the wire. That's the worst I 
can think of...

       -- Sandro

> On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 6:15 PM, Sandro Hawke < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Yesterday, Cody got me thinking about PATCH again and I had an idea
>     which I think threads the ldp-patch needle nicely.
>     Cody's LDP implementation is using TurtlePatch [1], which you'll
>     recall
>     is a tiny subset of SPARQL 1.1 Update which is easy to parse and
>     execute
>     in linear time.   It has no variables and cannot operate on blank
>     nodes.   So, it's great, as long as you have no blank nodes.  To
>     me, in
>     recent years, that made it basically useless. But now I see how to
>     make
>     it okay.
>     My idea was that the server could provide a Skolemized (genid) view of
>     the data, suitable for easy patching with TurtlePatch, but not
>     affecting
>     how everyone else interacts with the data.  Specifically, I'm thinking
>     that if the client does a GET with "Accept: application/turtlepatch"
>     then it gets a patch from the empty graph to the current graph,
>     with all
>     the blank nodes Skolemized in some way the server will accept for
>     future
>     PATCH operations.    You can also think about what it gets as
>     slightly-restricted Turtle with three extra boilerplate lines.
>     For example:
>     GET
>     Accept: text/turtle
>          PREFIX foaf: <>
>          PREFIX : <>
>          :me foaf:knows [ foaf:name "Bob" ].
>     GET
>     Accept: text/turtlepatch
>          PREFIX foaf: <>
>          PREFIX : <>
>          PREFIX genid: <>
>          INSERT DATA {
>          :me foaf:knows genid:517.
>          genid:517 foaf:name "Bob".
>          }
>     The difference here is that text/turtlepatch has the INSERT DATA
>     boilerplate and is Skolemized.   (It's also restricted to not have any
>     newlines in string literals, but use \n instead.)  The idea is that
>     clients can ask for this Skolemized version, and then patch it easily
>     and efficiently with TurtlePatch.   If they're expecting to be
>     patching,
>     I imagine they'll generally fetch with turtlepatch instead of turtle.
>     My sense is this is pretty easy to implement assuming the server
>     (1) has
>     some kind of access to .well-known/genid URI space on its host and (2)
>     has stable internal identifiers for blank nodes which it can expose or
>     efficiently map to/from something it can expose.  (There's probably a
>     workaround if (1) isn't true.)
>     What do you think?
>     There are other ways one could ask for a skolemized view, of course.
>     One could have parallel resources, and have Link headers between the
>     two.   In practice, it might turn into adding a ?genid=true to the
>     URLs
>     or something.    Or one could make a variation of turtle, with
>     media-type text/genid-turtle, or something like that.    But it
>     seems to
>     me like a fairly elegant hack to use TurtlePatch for this, since the
>     time in your coding you need these two things is the same.  (I
>     note that
>     SPARQL's INSERT DATA syntax does allow blank nodes, as a way to create
>     fresh blank nodes.  I suggest they not be used when one is using
>     text/turtlepatch like this, as an RDF serialization syntax.)
>           -- Sandro
>     [1]

Received on Wednesday, 5 February 2014 19:37:06 UTC