Re: the state of ldp-patch, and a procedural proposal

On Thu, 2013-10-17 at 22:57 -0400, Alexandre Bertails wrote:
> TurtlePatch
> -----------
> Champion: Sandro
> Summary: subset of SPARQL Update with INSERT and DELETE clauses.
> Example:
> [[
>   PREFIX foaf <>
>   PREFIX s <>
>     <> foaf:mbox 
> <>
>   }
>     <> foaf:mbox 
> <>
>     <> s:comment "This is my 
> general description of myself.\n\nI try to keep data here up to date and 
> it should be considered authoritative."
>   }
> ]]
> Pros:
> * can be implemented using full SPARQL implementation
> * easy to implement from scratch (parser + runtime)
> Cons:
> * no support for bnodes
> Status:
> * I implemented this approach in Banana-RDF
> Remark: Sandro talked about "TurtlePatch plus variables" but I'm not
> sure what that means exactly by reading his spec. Until I see a
> solution properly considering bnodes, it will be a -1 for me.

While "no support for bnodes" is technically true for this format, LDP
does permit skolemization[1]. I personally don't expect this group to
agree on any PATCH format that includes blank nodes and I think the only
acceptable solution is to give them blank node identifiers through a
skolemization process as Sandro suggested earlier.

With blank node identifiers, the above solution handles blank nodes
quite well, IMHO, without any of the NP problems other solutions have.



Received on Friday, 18 October 2013 13:12:30 UTC