from January 2019 by thread

[IEEE ICCI*CC'19:] [IEEE ICCI*CC'19 @PolyU Milan] IEEE 18th Cognitive Computing | Computational Intelligence | Cognitive Informatics | Brain-Inspired Systems | Cognitive Robots | Machine Learning | Neurocomputation Yingxu Wang (Thursday, 31 January)

Call for Participation: 3rd Summer Datathon on Linguistic Linked Open Data (SD-LLOD-19, Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany, May 12-17)) Christian Chiarcos (Sunday, 20 January)

[GWLN 2019] Globalex Workshop on Lexicography & Neologism @ DSNA 22 Ilan Kernerman (Saturday, 12 January)

Postdoctoral Research Position in Lexicography and Natural Language Processing at National University of Ireland, Galway John P. McCrae (Wednesday, 9 January)

Last message date: Thursday, 31 January 2019 06:06:59 UTC