Re: Proposed new chairs for the LD4LT community group

I fully support all of them!


Il giorno mar 12 feb 2019 alle ore 00:08 Dave Lewis <> ha scritto:

> Hi all,
> After being quiet for a long time, we have received the good news for
> the LD4LT community group that a new EU-funded project, Pret-A-LLOD, has
> just started working in this area with the goal to develop best
> practices and standards for the sustainable hosting of LLD-based NLP
> services, migration of language resources into Linked Data etc.
> To facilitate the fruitful collaboration of Pret-A-LLOD with LD4LT, I
> would as a chair like to propose that John McCrae, Christian Chiarcos,
> Jorge Gracia and Philip Cimiano be accepted as additional chairs of the
> community group.
> I would appreciate it if you could send any expressions for support or
> objection to the list, or if you prefer to me directly, by midnight UTC
> on the 25th February. I will then report back at that point.
> In the mean time I would invite John, Christian, Jorge and Philip to
> volunteer any additional information about their plans that may be of
> interest to group members.
> Kind Regards,
> Dave
> --
> Dave Lewis, Associate Director Spokes
> ADAPT Centre
> O'Reilly Building
> Trinity College Dublin
> Dublin 2, Ireland
> p: +353 (0) 1 896 8428
> e:

Roberto Navigli
Dipartimento di Informatica
Sapienza University of Rome
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Received on Tuesday, 12 February 2019 11:34:23 UTC