TEI to multilingual LOD

[cross-posted BPMLOD, LD4LT]


I am working on an XML project that deals principally (but not exclusively) with text alignment, on both the segment and word/token level. Target users are scholars who are Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) users or would-be users (esp. the intimidated). One aim is to create a TEI customization and ecosystem that would optimize the data for reuse as multilingual LOD, in a format that remains as human readable as possible. The project is in its very, very early stages.

I realize that such work only overlaps with the mandates of the BPMLOD and LD4LT groups, so I'd like to hear off-list from any members who either might already be doing something similar, or who might be interested in such an effort.

Best wishes,

Joel Kalvesmaki
Editor in Byzantine Studies
Dumbarton Oaks
1703 32nd St. NW
Washington, DC 20007
(202) 339-6435

Received on Tuesday, 12 August 2014 15:54:24 UTC