1 week left to submit a paper to the SIS-IoT workshop @SEMANTiCS2017

Dear all,

Please consider to submit a paper to the Semantic Interoperability and Standardization in the IoT (SIS-IoT) workshop @SEMANTiCS 2017 (https://2017.semantics.cc/satellite-events/sis-iot-semantic-interoperability-and-standardization-iot)

There is still 1 week left to submit your contribution in the form of a research paper (max 8 pages) or a short paper (2 to 4 pages).

Deadline for submissions is 11 July 2017, 23:59 Hawaii Time!

Best regards, Laura

SIS-IoT: Semantic Interoperability and Standardization in the IoT

Time: Monday, September 11, 2017 - 09:00 to 17:30
Place: The Meervaart (Room 8), Meer en Vaart 300, 1068 LE Amsterdam, Netherlands
Chairs: Laura Daniele (TNO), Anna Fensel (Semantic Technology Institute, Innsbruck), Raúl García-Castro (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), Enrico Scarrone (Telecom Italia and ETSI SmartM2M), Omar Elloumi (Nokia and oneM2M)

Semantic technology and linked data are perceived by the IoT industry as beneficial technologies to enable semantic interoperability in the fragmented landscape of IoT ecosystems and platforms. However, most industrial practitioners are not familiar with these technologies and are not willing to learn them, as they believe the learning curve is too steep. IoT developers - whether device manufacturers or application developers - ask for rather simple ontologies that are easy to use, and clear guidelines on how to implement semantic web/ linked data solutions, possibly supported by standards development organizations (SDOs), whereas the information they can currently find on the Internet is overwhelming and perceived as not directly applicable. As we have often heard from industrial stakeholders in the past years, there is a clear need to bring semantic technology out of the research labs - where it has been successful so far - to be adopted and applied in operational environments by the IoT industry.The main objective of this workshop is to bring SDOs and industrial practitioners in IoT with an interest in semantic interoperability together with the strong and successful research community at SEMANTiCS 2017 to progress the state of the art in Semantic Interoperability and Standardization in IoT.
The main objective of this workshop is to bring SDOs and industrial practitioners in IoT with an interest in semantic interoperability together with the strong and successful research community at SEMANTiCS 2017 to discuss current trends and challenges in Semantic Interoperability and Standardization in IoT.

The workshop is supported by:

  *   Horizon 2020 project ENTROPY: design of an innovativE eNergy-aware it ecosysTem for motivating behaviouRal changes towards the adOption of energy efficient lifestYles<http://entropy-project.eu/>
  *   Horizon 2020 project VICINITY: Open virtual neighbourhood network to connect IoT infrastructures and smart objects<http://vicinity-h2020.eu/vicinity/>
  *   AIOTI WG03 IoT Standardisation<https://www.aioti.eu/>
  *   ETSI SmartM2M<http://www.etsi.org/technologies-clusters/technologies/internet-of-things> *
  *   oneM2M<http://www.onem2m.org/>
*official confirmation pending

Workshop Style
The workshop will be a combination of presentations on existing standardization activities on semantics and IoT (state of the art), e.g., SAREF activities in ETSI SmartM2M, and contributions from users on their on-going standardization and research developments on semantic interoperability in IoT (current progress beyond the state of the art), as basis for generating an interactive discussion and bring the collaboration between the research community and the industrial stakeholders a step further. The workshop will include a keynote and a panel with experts from the research community and industrial stakeholders.
Contributions from users on their on-going standardization and research developments on semantic interoperability in IoT should be submitted in the form of research papers (max 8 pages) or short papers (2 to 4 pages). Authors of accepted papers will be invited to give a presentation at the workshop. Accepted papers will published in the workshop proceedings (CEUR-WS<http://ceur-ws.org/> or equivalent). As a result of the workshop we also aim at publishing an overview paper/workshop report in a relevant journal or magazine.

Call for Papers
We solicit contributions in the form of research papers (max 8 pages) or short papers (2 to 4 pages). Authors of accepted papers will be invited to give a presentation at the workshop.
Relevant topics of interest include the use of (ontology) standards for solving semantic interoperability issues along the following lines:

  *   Cross-cutting IoT semantic interoperability approaches reusing standards
  *   Use cases and implementations from pilots, innovation and research projects
  *   Current trends in standardization bodies related to IoT
  *   IoT standardization in vertical sectors (Smart Cities, Industrial Applications, Ageing Well, Smart Agriculture, Smart Energy, Wearables, Smart Appliances, Cooperative and Connected Mobility, etc.)
  *   Alignment of ontology standards among standardization bodies
  *   Solutions for machine-to-machine semantic interoperability
  *   Open source implementations

Paper submission
Papers should follow the ACM ICPS guidelines for formatting and must not exceed 8 pages in length for full papers and 4 pages for short papers, including references and optional appendices. The layout templates can be found here: http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates. All accepted full papers and short papers will be published in the workshop proceedings. Papers should be submitted through the EasyChair submission system (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sisiot2017)
Papers must be submitted in PDF (Adobe's Portable Document Format) format. Other formats will not be accepted. For the camera-ready version, the source files (Latex, WordPerfect, Word) will also be needed.

Important Dates

  *   July 11, 2017: deadline to submit papers
  *   July 28, 2017: notifications to authors
  *   August 14, 2017: camera ready versions
  *   September 11, 2017: workshop

Programme Committee

  *   Nicolas Seydoux, LAAS
  *   Victor Charpenay, Siemens AG
  *   Kris McGlinn, Trinity College Dublin
  *   Pieter Pauwels, Ghent University
  *   Mahdi Ben Alaya, Sensinov
  *   María Poveda Villalón, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
  *   Pieter Colpaert, IMEC
  *   Fano Ramparany, Orange
  *   Achille Zappa, Insight

Attending the Workshop
The SIS-IoT 2017 workshop is co-located with the SEMANTICS 2017 conference.
Participants of the workshops at SEMANTiCS2017 will be charged a marginal fee to cover the basic costs. For regular conference attendees, the workshops are included in the conference ticket.
Registration for the SIS-IoT 2017 is mandatory as space is limited. Registration has to be performed through the main conference registration system

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Received on Wednesday, 5 July 2017 16:03:49 UTC