LDAC2016 - 4th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop - June 21 to 23 [via Linked Building Data Community Group]

The LDAC workshop series provides a focused overview on technical and applied
research on the usage of semantic web, linked data and web of data technologies
for architecture and construction (design, engineering, construction, operation,
etc.). It aims at bringing together researchers, industry stakeholders, and
standardization bodies of the Linked Building Data (LBD) community together. The
aim of the workshop is to present current developments, coordinate efforts,
gather stakeholders, use cases and plan future activities.
Submit a 2-pager position statement (about 800 words) before the submission
deadline (6 May 2016), including the following:

  Title, authors, contact addresses, affiliations
  Which session do you wish to present in:

  Use case: 20 min presentation around a specific industrial use case and/or
business strategy
  Technical: 20 min presentation concerning particular technical implementations
or developments
  Hands-on/tutorial: +30 min time slot with a hands-on session, a tutorial, or a
demo showcase. In this case also include:

  Indication of how you plan to organize the hands-on session
  Facility requirements (server, beamer, …) and requirements for attendees
(own laptop, software installed, …)

  Plenary: 20 min general research presentation

  Short presentation of your work
  Key references

More information http://smartcity.linkeddata.es/LDAC2016/


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'LDAC2016 - 4th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop - June 21
to 23'


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Received on Tuesday, 3 May 2016 08:13:13 UTC