Re: requesting feedback regarding HTML5 and RFC 3987

On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 8:10 PM, Boris Zbarsky <> wrote:
> On 6/19/11 5:47 PM, Adam Barth wrote:
>> Does that mean if a new document arises from evaluating the JavaScript
>> URL that you'll scroll the page to the indicated fragment?
> Yes, but Firefox 4 and earlier does that too, because the "scroll to
> fragment" code doesn't actually use the results of parsing the URI (long
> story that I'm happy to fill people in on if desired) and instead serializes
> it to a string and then just grabs everything after the first '#'.
> Testcase:
> <iframe src="javascript:'<html><div style=&quot;height:
> 1000px&quot;></div><div
> id=&quot;test\'&quot;>test</div></html>#test'"></iframe>
>> In the resulting document, will location.hash contain the part after the #
>> ?
> Yes (this will be a behavior change from Firefox 4).  Testcase:
> <iframe
> src="javascript:'<html><script>alert(location.hash);</script></html>#test'"></iframe>
>> What will assigning to location.hash do (e.g., re-evaluating the
>> JavaScript URL or just scroll the page)?
> Just scroll the page.  This will be a behavior change from Firefox 4, where
> I believe the set was ignored entirely.  Testcase:
> <iframe src="javascript:alert('running'); '<html><div style=&quot;height:
> 1000px&quot;></div><div
> id=&quot;test&quot;>test</div><script>location.hash=&quot;test&quot;</script></html>'"></iframe>
> Note that those first two behaviors are arguably a violation of the current
> HTML5 drafts, because the URI of a javascript:-generated document is not
> supposed to be a javascript: URI per those drafts.  So you're right that the
> change Gecko is making is black-box detectable using location.hash for the
> moment, but once we implenent the HTML5 spec on this (assuming it doesn't
> change) it may not be....

That's very interesting.  The situation in WebKit is substantially
different.  Essentially, JavaScript URLs aren't really treated as URLs
at all.  Navigation to JavaScript URLs are intercepted at a relatively
high level, and the script is extracted and executed.  The URL of the
resulting document is just unchanged from the original document.


Received on Monday, 20 June 2011 03:19:36 UTC