RE: Valid Characters in a [UI]R[LI] query string...

In RFC 3986, "[" and "]" are not allowed in the 'query' component.

So "scheme://host/people?foo%5B%5D=bar" is valid and
   "scheme://host/people?foo[]=bar"     is not

The HTML5 document originally allowed [] in query components,
and "patched" them in the "Web Address" fixup.

This got lost in translation. There are two possibilities:

(a) Patch up "[" and "]" in section 7.2 Web Address processing
(b) make "[" and "]" legal in the query part by changing the
   BNF to be:

    iquery = *( ipchar / iprivate / "/" / "?" / "[" / "]" )

I'm in favor of trying to move as much of 7.2's "patchup"
behavior into the main line of IRIs as possible.


In response to:

> For context, Ruby on Rails is built on top of a component called Rack. 
> Both can construct what people colloquially call URLs, but do so 
> differently.  I'm looking for an expert opinion on which way is "right". 
>   Any thoughts?


   > app.people_path(:foo => ["bar"])
   => "/people?foo%5B%5D=bar"


   > Rack::Utils.build_nested_query(:foo => ["bar"])
   => "foo[]=bar"

- Sam Ruby

Received on Wednesday, 2 December 2009 01:35:28 UTC