RE: Urdu IDNs: Characters in domain names

At 03:18 07/08/24, Richard Ishida wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Martin Duerst [] 
>> Sent: 20 August 2007 07:37
>> As an example, consider the TLD for Switzerland, "ch".

>I think it's important to note that this only works well because people
>writing any of the Swiss languages or English can easily type the letters
>'ch' from their keyboard.  If the TLD had been ch

I guess you wrote both 'c' and 'h' with some 'decorations', but these
got lost somewhere.

>I think there would have
>been a lot of problems.  I think that, if we are to use non-latin characters
>for script-based TLDs, they must only be characters that are readily
>accessible from keyboards of people writing any language that uses that

Yes indeed. For Latin, this happended the right way due to the
fact that up to now only basic Latin letters were allowed in
domain names anyway.

Regards,     Martin.

#-#-#  Martin J. Du"rst, Assoc. Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University

Received on Friday, 24 August 2007 06:51:48 UTC