ANNOUNCEMENT: InterledgerJS joins the JS Foundation

Hi all,

I'm excited to share with you, an announcement that was made earlier today
at OSCON in London. As of today all of the Interledger JavaScript code has
been pulled into the newly formed JS Foundation <>
[1] under the project name InterledgerJS.

*What does this mean for us?*

The most obvious change is that all of the JavaScript repos have been moved
to a new GitHub organization: Fortunately
the old repos will automatically redirect so this shouldn't affect any
contributors or their local links.

Less obvious are the fantastic benefits of joining a prestigious group of
open source JavaScript projects [2] under the guidance and mentorship of
the OSS industry experts at the Linux Foundation.

As Kris Borchers, executive director of the JS Foundation said: “The JS
Foundation aims to support a vast array of technologies that complement
projects throughout the entire JavaScript ecosystem”, and we're very proud
to count InterledgerJS among these.

*What happens next?*

For the Interledger community it's business as usual. We continue to work
on the code with our goal of bootstrapping the Interledger over the coming
months so look out for more announcements on that front.

Going foreward our new friends at the JS foundation will be assisting us in
ensuring that our projects are setup for long term term success and
sustainability by including us in their mentorship program. Details will be
shared with the community as they become available.

What excites us most at Ripple is that this change represents an inflection
point in the evolution of the project.

The InterledgerJS repos have been, and will continue to be, the primary
reference implementations of the Interledger protocol and these are now
moving from incubation under Ripple's stewardship to that of a significant
independent foundation with a history of ensuring the sustainability of OSS

There is still a great deal of work to do and Ripple will continue to be
heavily involved in driving ILP forward (we have joined as Silver members
of the foundation) but we're proud of how far we've come as a community and
see inclusion of InterledgerJS among this auspicious group of projects as
testament of this.

Thank you to everyone that has contributed to this work over the past year.
Give yourselves a pat on the back! If your organisation wishes to join or
contribute to the JS Foundation to ensure the sustainability of
InterledgerJS (or any of the other great projects) please get hold of me.

The official press release from the foundation is here:
and Stefan, Evan and I will be available to answer any questions on the
community call this week (3pm UTC on Wednesday).



Received on Monday, 17 October 2016 10:02:19 UTC