Re: Ripple protocol changes for Interledger support

The complexity of implementing SusPay with IOUs comes from how the funds
would need to be sequestered. That could be done with a new type of ledger
entry, or they could be held in the SusPay itself. Either way though, all
gateway software as well as the RPC commands would need to be updated to
reflect the fact that IOUs can be stored in a new place. Additionally,
there is the interaction between the freeze feature and the escrowed funds,
as well as the fact that XRP is represented as integers while IOUs are
stored in exponential format that would add further complications.

On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 11:30 AM, Steven Roose <>

> Daniel. That is not true, non-XRP payments require no additonal trust in
> the gateway then when not making payments. All non-XRP payments happen
> within Ripple without involvement of the gateway. The gateway is only
> involved when withdrawing or depositing money out of or into Ripple.
> So with SusPay, the only additional trust in the gateway while a
> transactions is suspended is that the gateway will not lose the funds while
> the transaction is in suspension. That extra trust is actually negligible
> since that trust is automatically assumed while just owning the IOU
> currency, that's what the trust limits are for.
> So basically the only problem is that a user can possibly change its trust
> level while incoming or outgoing transactions are suspended. However, I
> don't think that should be so much of an issue. A user can now already
> change its trust limit to an amount lower than the amount of currency he
> owns. What that induced is that he can only spend the currency and no
> longer receive it.
> I would be interested in hearing what other additional complexities are
> involved here..
> On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 8:17 PM, Daniel Bateman <>
> wrote:
>> Steven,
>> Non-XRP payments require trusting the gateway that is issuing the non-XRP
>> currency/commodity/security etc.
>> Does this fully answer your question? If not, please specify further.
>> Daniel

Evan Schwartz | Software Architect | Ripple
[image:] <>

Received on Thursday, 28 January 2016 19:50:20 UTC