[User Context] the settings

Over the weekend, I also reviewed the various "settings" documented in the
draft. In my view, this material is the most mature part of the spec, and I
don't have detailed comments at this stage, since I think the settings are
well specified.

In general, though, we still need to decide upon our criteria for including or
excluding specific preferences, and preference categories. This is the "User
Context requirements" discussion that needs to continue.

At an editorial level, I think normative references should be added to the
draft, especially where we use features from CSS - media query syntax and API,
color specifications, etc.

Many of the examples rely on CSS level 4 syntax which the draft states is
likely to be adopted. Even though they're only examples, hence informative,
coordination is obviously desirable to ensure we're using syntax aligned with
whatever the CSS working group ultimately decides to do.

Received on Monday, 19 May 2014 11:09:48 UTC