from July 2013 by subject

[Events] added strings for DOMImplementation.hasFeature()

[Events] Determining the Event Receiver

[Events] uiactions IDL attribute is now a DOMTokenList not a DOMString

[Events] UIScrollRequestEvent (scrollrequest can now use either X/Y deltas or type constants like PAGE_DOWN)

ACTION-63: Need a glossary section for term references (Independent User Interface Task Force)

CfC to Publish Events Module Stabilization Draft

Consensus to Publish Events Module Stabilization Draft

Editor Update: IndieUI Events ready for second public working draft pending group approval

Events 1.0 Updated Draft Published

IndieUI minutes for 24 July 2013

IndieUI Minutes for July 10, 2013

IndieUI Teleconference Agenda; 10 July at 21:00Z for 60 minutes

IndieUI Teleconference Agenda; 24 July at 21:00Z for 60 minutes

UI Events FPWD

Wednesdays Telecon; Call for agenda

Last message date: Tuesday, 30 July 2013 20:10:03 UTC