Re: IndieUI Overview

Hi all,

Based on today's telecon, I made the following changes to <>:

* Introduction, first paragraph, second sentence.
was: Indie UI will make it easier for web applications to work with a wide range of devices, including assistive technologies (AT).
changed to: Indie UI will make it easier for web applications to work in a wide range of contexts — different devices, different assistive technologies (AT), different user needs.

* Introduction, second paragraph.
added scroll wheel to: For example, if a user wants to scroll down a page, they might use their finger on a touch screen, or click a scroll bar with a mouse, or use a scroll wheel, or say "scroll down" with a voice command. Indie UI will define a way for those different interactions to be translated into a simple event - scroll down.

* The Indie UI Documents section, second bullet paragraph, first sentence.
was: Indie UI: User Context will allow a web application to get information about assistive technologies and settings that the user is using.
changed to:  Indie UI: User Context will allow a web application to get information about the configuration, settings, and assistive technologies that the user is using.

Two open issues:

1. What information is the web app getting - about configuration? settings? AT? OS? browser? other?
What is a simple way to say that? (Remember this overview page should be simple and clear; does not need to be precise and encompassing.)
Current text: "Indie UI: User Context will allow a web application to get information about the configuration, settings, and assistive technologies that the user is using."
- "preferences" was mentioned on the telecon; however, I assume it's more than preferences, it could be needs

2. Is there a better example than scroll?
- Note: Shawn thinks scroll is easy to understand from an outside perspective.
- Several were mentioned and dismissed on the telecon. one possibility left:
- Zoom. Why would that be better than scroll?
Here's sample wording: For example, if a user wants to zoom larger, they might use their fingers on a touch screen, or use a keyboard command, or click a menu option, or say "zoom out" with a voice command. Indie UI will define a way for those different interactions to be translated into a simple event - zoom out.


On 10/2/2012 1:41 PM, Janina Sajka wrote:
> Colleagues:
> The WAI Education and Outreach (EO) Working Group maintains "overview"
> pages for the various WAI activities. These overview pages are intended
> for a wide variety of users, including especially nontechnical audiences.
> Their draft overview page for our work in the IndieUI Task Force is at:
> If you have comments or suggestions on the content of this page, please
> share them by replying to this message. We will also touch briefly on
> this page during our regular TF telecon on Wednesday 3 October.
> While the content of this page is necessarily nontechnical, it is also
> important that it correctly reflect our work.
> Janina

Received on Wednesday, 3 October 2012 18:56:52 UTC