Re: IndieUI-ISSUE-8 (TTS context dictionary): Need a way to define a context and pronunciation dictionary on a per-resource basis. [IndieUI: User Context 1.0]

I'm getting a little carried away here, but I just want to get these other ideas out (and associated with the issue) while the thread is fresh. I was originally thinking simple key/value pairs were best to keep it simple, but we may want to just bite the bullet and do explicit methods.

addPronunciation(required key, required value, optional phoneticAlphabet);

// e.g. pronounce it like this other word.
window.tts.addPronunciation('✘', 'False'); 
window.tts.addPronunciation('Knowbility', 'nobility');

// or use a particular phonetic alphabet
window.tts.addPronunciation('too', 'tu:', 'ipa'); // international phonetic alphabet

Received on Wednesday, 5 December 2012 02:26:06 UTC