W3C workshop on Web games

Hey, folks.

There are still a few seats available for the June 27th & 28th workshop on
web games in Redmond WA: https://www.w3.org/2018/12/games-workshop/

From the organizers:
"We are actively looking at improving diversity representation at the
workshop, notably along the gender axis. Diversity is a core value to W3C
and a core need at workshops where we want to hear from anyone, including
from under-represented voices, to help shape new standardization efforts.
We have reached out to some of you already on this topic and are
interacting with inclusive communities in Seattle to encourage
participation, as well as to find someone who could present on diversity
and inclusion in the games developer ecosystem at the workshop. Please
activate your networks as well! Also, and especially if your company is
sending a group of people, we would like to ask you to consider bringing a
more diverse group to the workshop."


*Trevor Flowers* 🌸🌸
Principal at Transmutable <https://transmutable.com/>
Friend of the Wider Web <https://potassiumes.org/wider-web/>

Received on Monday, 13 May 2019 16:57:17 UTC