January 2019 F2F Summary

January 2019 F2F Follow Up
This can be read on Github
Feel free to share the URL.

The aims of this are to summarise some of the discussions and resolutions
from the face to face in January in California. Firstly I would like to
thank Samsung Research America for hosting the event.

This was largely put together from the minutes:


Input and Controllers #336
<https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr/issues/336>, #392
<https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr/isues/392> & Pull #462

There was a discussion about building a custom interfaces for accessing the
XR controller. A gamepad-based solution (as described in #499) was also
proposed and was overwhelmingly preferred.

Nell is putting together a repository
<https://github.com/immersive-web/xr-gamepad-mappings> of Schemas which can
be maintained as an open source repo for mapping from the gamepad API to
originOffset behaviour #477

View the issue
for more detail and wonderful handdrawn diagrams!

*Interpretation A* thinks of the originOffset as applying to the *tracking*
origin. *Interpretation B* thinks of the originOffset as applying to
the *virtual
scene's* origin.

Either can be wholly mathematically consistent, and either can be made
clear by the spec text, I'm just curious which approach the WG as a whole
finds to be the most intuitive.

After a vote at the face to face *Interpretation B* seemed to be more the
popular and we will work with in the future.
Hit Testing and Anchors (#491
<https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr/pull/491>, #492
<https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr/pull/492>, #493

The proposed changes are the introduction of the first real AR parts of the
WebXR spec. They were met with overwhelming approval after the
explanations. I have included the introduction from the hit testing
which I recommend reading:

"Hit testing" (aka "raycasting") is the process of finding intersections
between 3D geometry and a ray, comprised of an origin and direction.
Conceptually, hit testing can be done against virtual 3D geometry or
real-world 3D geometry. As WebXR does not have any knowledge of the
developer's 3D scene graph, it does not provide APIs for virtual hit
testing. It does, however, have information about the real-world and
provides a method for developers to hit test against it. Most commonly in
WebXR, developers will hit test using XRInputSources or the
XRSession.viewerSpace to track where a cursor should be drawn on hand-held
devices, or even to bounce a virtual object off real-world geometry. In
WebXR, 'inline' and 'immersive-vr' sessions are limited to performing
virtual hit tests, while 'immersive-ar' sessions can perform both virtual
and real-world hit tests.

Continue reading the hit testing explainer
FoV / ViewMatrix (#461 <https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr/issues/461>/
#447 <https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr/issues/447>) Expose combined
frustrum (#203 <https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr/issues/203>) Default
FoV for Magic Window (#272

The next section tackled issues relating to the field of view.
Intersection of Request Animation Frame and Request Idle Callback

   - Should we provide projection matrices or break them down for the user?

No clear conclusion. Further discussion required.

   - What should the default field of view for magic window mode be?

There isn't really a too bad answer settled on 90degrees vertical (PR #519
Handling Tracking Loss (#243

This began with a summary of Alex Turner's research into how different
platforms handle losing position tracking:

Handling tracking loss · Issue #243 · immersive-web/webxr

There was discussion around sensible defaults a PR will be put together
soon to put these into the spec.
Handling Request Animation Frames for content of different framerates being
displayed on displays of different framerates

It's really worth reading the minutes
<https://www.w3.org/2019/01/30-immersive-web-minutes.html#item04> for this
topic. Essentially some video content will be slower than the headset

   - Video 24/50/60Hz
   - DOM content 60 Hz

Which could be displayed on multiple devices at the same time:

   - Headsets 90+ Hz
   - Monitors/TV 60Hz

Previously browsers largely ignored this and set the assumed it was always
60hz on browsers which could support it even on screens which run at higher
frame rates.

No resolutions were proposed during the session but it's an interesting
issue to think about.
Quadlayer - DOM content in XR

Nell gives a great summary of this issue which you can read in the minutes

The idea that you can create 2d uis in world space in html/css is one of
the things that we hear frequently -- back at tpac we spent a bunch of time
talking about the problem space. The traditional ways people use 2d APIs
don't work if there's no way to draw them to the screen.

This is solvable in the context of XR if the actual composition is done by
the UA and not the user, this is the concept of a quad layer.

The main benefit of quadlayer is that putting text content on a texture
looks really blurry but a seperate layer can be able to do reprojection for
the final pose without any per-pixel warping.
Long lived XR Apps (proposals/#43

This was a discussion about the possibilities of running simultaneous XR
apps which can hang around for a long time even in other experiences
outside of the browser. For example a semi-permanent information widget
positioned in a fixed place in your house in AR.

Initial discussion here for a solution based on WebExtensions:

Analysis on some of the threat vectors of XR:

Mirror views - Display WebXR on other sources

Discussion on how important it is to get a video output suitable for flat
displays from a WebXR scene? Many uses were raised:

   - Debugging
   - Streaming
   - Local Audience
   - Asymmetrical Experiences

Expose a hidden area mesh or a hidden area depth write function (#463

A simple optimization that VR native applications are already taking
advantage of is to inhibit fragment shading of regions of the display
panels that, after warping and optics, are not visible to the user.

OpenVR exposes such information as a mesh:


Essentially, such a mesh is rendered before the rest of the scene geometry
using either depth buffer or stencil buffer writes to inhibit fragment
processing of those pixels in subsequent render passes.

This can provide significant performance improvements without relying on
any special rendering API functions. This is also much easier to integrate
into rendering engines relative to other optimizations (eg, multiview).

Should probably just be fetched every frame

Received on Tuesday, 26 February 2019 20:21:58 UTC