Leaving Mozilla

Hello, immersive web folks!

This is a quick FYI that tomorrow will be my last day at Mozilla. They're a
great team and I'll miss them terribly, but at the end of the day I'm a
better fit for smaller orgs.

After a bit of vacation I'm going to spin up a scrappy little studio
<https://transmutable.com/> for a handful of personal XR projects and a few

I've discussed this change with the other chairs and editors. With their
support, I'm going to stay on as chair of the community group for as long
as I'm useful. The wider web is where I've worked for more than 20 years
and it will remain my focus for the foreseeable future.

The best email address for me is trevor@trevor.smith.name

I'm happy to field any questions until Wednesday night and then I'm going
to Portland to make art for three days at XOXO <https://2018.xoxofest.com/>.

The only constant is change,

- Trevor F. Smith

Received on Tuesday, 4 September 2018 17:03:57 UTC