Please stop responding to Blair's Calendar Event

Hi, everyone.

You can safely ignore the traffic on the public-immersive-web email list
that's coming out of Blair's Google Calendar.

The only official calendar events for the CG and WG calls will have Chris
or myself as the organizer.

The reason this problem exists is that the original event invites had the
public email list as an attendee so whenever a group member accepts the
event on GCal a new orphaned event is created on just their calendar.
Sadly, as long as the email list is still an attendee of the orphaned event
it will spam the email list every time someone makes a change.

So, please go into your calendar and look to see if the event you have has as an attendee. If so, delete the event
(without sending updates) and then ask me for a direct invite.

We can make XR but apparently humanity hasn't solved calendars.

- Trevor


*Trevor Flowers* 🌸🌸
Principal at Transmutable <>
Friend of the Wider Web <>

Received on Wednesday, 12 December 2018 19:40:47 UTC