Re: TLS-CCA. Was: Browser UI & privacy - a discussion with Ben Laurie

On 6 October 2012 09:13, Ron Garret <> wrote:

> On Oct 5, 2012, at 11:49 PM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> On 6 October 2012 08:16, Anders Rundgren <>wrote:
>> On 2012-10-05 20:47, Henry Story wrote:
>> >> WebCrypto could very well become a better mousetrap than TLS CCA.
>> >
>> > By WebCrypto you mean using javascript. That does not really change
>> anything.
>> It does because it liberates WebID from a scheme (TLS CCA) that in its
>> current
>> form is doomed as a consumer solution.
>> TLS CCA is actually quite popular and useful for creating secure tunnels
>> between
>> servers.  However, as a web solution for end-users TLS CCA has
>> essentially not
>> taken a single step forward since 1996!  Well, the "underpinnings" have
>> changed
>> considerably but that doesn't help much since its "behavior" remains
>> neanderthalish.
>> The latter is presumably "by design".
>> I'm surprised that you find the current key generation mechanisms useful.
>>  No major
>> user of consumer-PKI I have heard of actually use them.  "<keygen>" as
>> featured in
>> Chrome was also designed in the 90'ties.  This is a very touchy issue
>> since
>> caused the PKIX chairs to remove me from the list!
> Anders, did you ever look at this?
> A full javascript solution to WebID including crypto libraries.
> May be interesting to this group.
> As long as Forge has entered the conversation I would also like to point
> to my own identity project:
> DSSID uses Forge for its crypto, but it uses a different protocol
> specifically designed to be simple for clients to integrate with.  Note:
> this code is not ready for production use.  Feedback and comments are
> welcome.

Wow, looks really nice.

If im not mistaken, it's quite similar to a web version of SSH?

Does this sole harry's unlinkability problem too?

> rg

Received on Saturday, 6 October 2012 07:29:41 UTC