ICT 2010 Networking Session on Governmental Linked Data

Dear Francesco, Stefano, Marta,

We started preparing the ICT 2010 Networking Session on Governmental Linked Data in the EUOpenData group [1]. Until September we will have a bi-weekly telco. In the last telco the some questions were raised, which we would like to discuss with you briefly.

Some members of the group suggested, that we can try to invite some high level representatives. Ivan e.g. mentioned that there might be a chance to get Tim Berners-Lee to attend. This raises two questions: 1. What will be the exact date (and time) of the session. 2. Do you think there will also be EU (and member state) decision makers in the audience. If so, I think this would increase the value of having high-level representatives on board. If not, we might focus more during the session on networking between existing national initiatives and organize events focusing towards outreach separately.

Another question, which was raised is, whether it is possible to use meeting facilities after the official timeframe of the session. We all have the impression that once we meet in Brussels it makes sense to spend more time on getting the ball rolling with this initiative. If no facilities are available at the ICT event, we will try to find something else.

We currently plan to structure the session around the four different pillars:

* Open Governmental Data Vision
* Current state of play in Europe
* Technical areas and RTD challenges which need special attention
* Applications and benefits for end-users

Would be great if you could give us short feedback on the three questions.

Thanks and best regards,


[1] http://wiki.okfn.org/euopendata

Received on Monday, 28 June 2010 13:24:44 UTC