from January 2006 by thread

Final Call for Papers (IEEE Joint Conference on Web Services and Services Computing) SIS Seminar (Sunday, 29 January)

Call For Papers: June 26-29, WORLDCOMP'06 (28 joint conferences in CS, CE, and applied computing), USA (Friday, 27 January)

Deadline is Coming: Call for Papers (IEEE Joint Conference on Web Services and Services Computing)" SIS Seminar (Wednesday, 25 January)

CFP - IEEE SCC & ICWS SIS Seminar (Wednesday, 11 January)

Joint CFP: BSN'06 & SoS4CO'06 (Monday, 9 January)

CFP: Global Integration Summit 2006 (GIS'06) (Monday, 9 January)

Last message date: Sunday, 29 January 2006 17:39:52 UTC