RE: WSTF teleconference 2004-01-13 meeting notes

Thanks, all, for this. Got caught in an interminable fire drill (the real
kind, not the virtual kind). At least it wasn't raining.


Addison P. Phillips
Director, Globalization Architecture
webMethods | Delivering Global Business Visibility
Chair, W3C Internationalization (I18N) Working Group
Chair, W3C-I18N-WG, Web Services Task Force

Internationalization is an architecture.
It is not a feature.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of A. Vine
> Sent: mardi 13 janvier 2004 15:42
> To: I18n WSTF
> Subject: WSTF teleconference 2004-01-13 meeting notes
> Attending:
> Martin, Mike, Tex, Deb, Takao, Andrea
> 1. Review of action items, notes below:
> Addison Phillips [wM] wrote:
> > ===========
> > 1. Work on finishing USWD by end of year. [Not going to happen:
> need to replan]
> Waiting for Addison to discuss.
> > 2. AP: Incorporate Mark Davis's example for I-022 [NOT DONE]
> > 3. AP: incorporate AV's calendric time examples [PENDING]
> > 4. AP: incorporate DB's 'unfinished' usage scenarios between 7
> and 16. [PENDING]
> Status unknown.
> > 5. MM: updating discovery scenarios. [unknown]
> Not yet done, will get UDDI stuff done by next meeting.
> > 6. MD: Ping WSA about usage scenario uptake.
> WSA may be disbanded by end of January, and usage scenarios
> document is not in
> good enough shape to show them now.  May have to abandon this AI.
> Discussion of what it means if the WSA is disbanded.  Martin
> suggested that
> working on architectural issues from a working group isn't a very
> effective
> approach.
> > 7. AP: Ping new WSCG chair: plan to liase as our requirements
> emerge. [pending]
> Status unknown.
> 2. Review work on USWD: Need to gauge our progress and see what
> we can do to get
> a draft out soon.
> Tex went over the document.
> **AI - All - by next meeting - Review sections 1 - for
> content, if
> wordsmithing, let the rest of the group know via email to the list.
> If someone wants to work on the rest of the doc, OK, send a mail.
> > 3. Other business.
> No other business except face-to-face, waiting for Addison.
> Send additions or corrections.
> Andrea
> --
> I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as
> my telephone.
> My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone.
> -Bjarne Stroustrup, designer of C++ programming language (1950- )

Received on Tuesday, 13 January 2004 18:57:38 UTC