Re: 4.15.1 Modeling Tax, Customs, Legal, and Other Cross-Border and Cultural Considerations

At 16:58 04/04/13 -0700, A. Vine wrote:

>The question is, if we take it out, will people make such Web services 
>without thinking about the complexities?  And if they do, do we 
>care?  Would such people read this document in the first place?

I think we need a place to make clear that there are many issues
that go beyond those that can be addressed in a basic standard.
Maybe we should leave the section in, but say clearly that this
is just examples of higher-level internationalization needs, and
there is no expectation that they will be covered in basic
technology, therefore, service implementers should address them
on an application level.

Regards,   Martin.

>Addison Phillips [wM] wrote:
>>I incorporated Andrea's text, but didn't modify the section structure.
>>With regard to Andrea's questions, I'm starting to feel that this section
>>might be a rathole that doesn't really demonstrate anything germane to WS
>>Addison P. Phillips
>>Director, Globalization Architecture
>>webMethods | Delivering Global Business Visibility
>>Chair, W3C Internationalization (I18N) Working Group
>>Chair, W3C-I18N-WG, Web Services Task Force
>>Internationalization is an architecture.
>>It is not a feature.
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>[]On Behalf Of A. Vine
>>>Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 3:04 PM
>>>To: I18n WSTF
>>>Subject: 4.15.1 Modeling Tax, Customs, Legal, and Other Cross-Border and
>>>Cultural Considerations
>>>One comment, we have a section 4.15, with no intro paragraph and
>>>one subsection
>>>4.15.1.  We should either consolidate it all under 4.15, or come
>>>up with at
>>>least one more subsection and an intro paragraph.
>>>I broke out Scenario A with a simplification, then a what if, to show the
>>>complexities of cross-border services.  I felt like it was
>>>important to point
>>>out just how complex such a service is when serving multiple countries.
>>>I made some minor edits to Scenarios B and C.
>>>4.15.1 Modeling Tax, Customs, Legal, and Other Cross-Border and Cultural
>>>{leave first 2 paragraphs as is, or not}
>>>Scenario A:  Web service A, specific to a country C, takes in the
>>>value of a
>>>sale, a language parameter, and the names of the city and the
>>>province.  The
>>>currency is limited to country C's official currency.  Service A
>>>then calls a
>>>set of services, translating names into identifiers.  Service B
>>>takes in a city
>>>id and a monetary value, then calculates city sales tax based on
>>>current tax
>>>tables it retrieves from other services; it returns the tax
>>>amount as a numeric
>>>value.  Service C performs a similar function for taxes at the
>>>provincial level.
>>>    Service A then takes those monetary values and returns them
>>>with identifying
>>>tags for the city and provincial tax.
>>>If Service A were to be used for multiple countries, there would
>>>have to be
>>>additional parameters, for example:
>>>         o a country identifier
>>>         o other regional identifiers, such as county and state
>>>         o a currency identifier
>>>There would have to be a function to handle currency
>>>calculations, possibly in a
>>>separate service.  The additional tax regions need to be managed,
>>>again by
>>>separate services.
>>>Scenario B:  An application uses a Web service to send DVDs to
>>>rental customers
>>>around the world. DVDs contain a region code that limits where
>>>they can be
>>>played (according to the country they are intended for.) The Web
>>>service takes
>>>the country ID of of the customer and selects the right region
>>>code DVD to send.
>>>Scenario C:  Web service M takes a country ID, looks it up in a
>>>database, and
>>>returns the driving rules for that country.
>>>I'm not sure what other subsections would fit into this category.
>>>I had a
>>>thought about a scenario of a service which took a product code
>>>and looked up
>>>whether it was legal to ship that type of product to the country
>>>identified as
>>>the destination.  But it seemed a bit complex to have as a service.
>>>Anyone else have an idea what might be included in this section?
>>>I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as
>>>my telephone.
>>>My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone.
>>>-Bjarne Stroustrup, designer of C++ programming language (1950- )
>I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my 
>telephone. My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone.
>-Bjarne Stroustrup, designer of C++ programming language (1950- )

Received on Tuesday, 13 April 2004 21:43:00 UTC