RE: [WSTF]Teleconference Notes for 18 March 2003

Attending: Mike, Takao, Tex, Deb
Regrets: Martin, Kentaroh

Kentaroh will be out for a couple of months. Need backup editor.

IUC23 facetime: Decided on beers after the speaker's meeting on Monday (e.g. in the evening).

> Action Items:
>   -Mike/Deb: Work on complex transaction Usage Scenarios [in progress]
>   -Tex: to look at WSDL for further usage scenarios [in progress]
        - Looking at the v1.2 WD. 2-3 weeks ETA.
>   -AP: will add link to membership on main page [DONE]
>   -AP: Send integration patterns whitepaper link. [in progress]
        - webMethods needs to republish
>   -AP: Check ULocale paper link. [DONE]
>   -AP: Send "patterns" usage scenarios [in progress]
        - finishing document this week. Will post to list.
>   -All: Review Deb's comments [in progress]
>   -All: [Today] Discuss Usage Scenarios action plan
>   -AP: Investigate getting copies of the WSUS document for IUC. [DONE]
       - 20 to 40 copies for panel discussion. Addison to provide.


1. This meeting's time stays the same. Next two meetings: 1 April, 15 April

2. Usage Scenarios WS-Arch document review.

WS Arch document has 38 scenarios. Our action plan for this document will be to build comments and usage scenarios for each scenario (or note that we have no comments) by end of April.

The Process:
1. tell them. We will contact the WS Arch WG and discuss our impending feedback. We expect that our comments will most likely become points on their issues list.
2. submit comments to them.
3. maintain result in our own document. Use their S-numbering to identify our comments.

ACTION: We agreed that the following members would provide a number of reviewed scenarios. Addison to circulate a list of the scenarios and each of us will sign up to produce specific ones. Addison will maintain scorekeeping on our website.

Mike: 4 or 5
Tex: some
Takao: 4 or 5
Addison: 4 or 5

3. WS-Choreography review. We felt we need to look closely at these.

use document to start discussion
import their scenarios into my document.
develop compelling demo.
develop a closer liasion with them. 
AP> find out about their schedule and how to coordinate. talk to martin about progress.

ACTION: Deb to build comments on WS-Choreography usage scenarios as they sit and build understanding.
ACTION: Addison to find out about liasing with them via Martin and webMethods reps.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Addison Phillips [wM]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 12:59 PM
> To:
> Subject: [WSTF] REMINDER/AGENDA: Teleconference is TODAY
> Importance: High
> All:
> Today's meeting is rather important. It will be the last 
> opportunity before Prague to discuss our plans. The IUC is an 
> important chance to energize members of the internationalization 
> community at large and recruit participation in our activities.
> Action Items:
>   -Mike/Deb: Work on complex transaction Usage Scenarios
>   -Tex: to look at WSDL for further usage scenarios
>   -AP: will add link to membership on main page
>   -AP: Send integration patterns whitepaper link.
>   -AP: Check ULocale paper link.
>   -AP: Send "patterns" usage scenarios
>   -All: Review Deb's comments
>   -All: [Today] Discuss Usage Scenarios action plan
>   -AP: Investigate getting copies of the WSUS document for IUC.
> Agenda:
>    1. Discuss Action Items
>    2. Coordinate facetime meeting at IUC23
>    3. Discuss Usage Scenarios action plan
>    4. Discuss rescheduling this meeting to deal with the 
> DST/Summer Time change, esp. with regard to Kentaroh's participation.
>    5. Discuss creating a closer liasion with WS-Arch
> Addison
> Addison P. Phillips
> Director, Globalization Architecture
> webMethods, Inc.
> +1 408.962.5487 (phone)  +1 408.210.3569 (mobile)
> -------------------------------------------------
> Internationalization is an architecture.
> It is not a feature. 
> Chair, W3C-I18N-WG Web Services Task Force
> To participate see 

Received on Tuesday, 18 March 2003 19:59:02 UTC