Re: WS-Arch Usage Scenario S001: Fire and Forget, Single Receiver

Yes, for this case any possible localization issue is in the sole hand of
"the sending
application (and its designer)". As a suggestion of 'best practice' shall
we also mention the following?

An internationalized "fire-and-forget" sending application may collect and
store the receiver's preferred language, currency, etc.
during the registration process. While sending messages, the sending
application can use that information to localize
the transmitted messages.

                      "Addison Phillips                                                                                                              
                      [wM]"                     To:                                                                      
                      <aphillips@webmeth        cc:                                                                                                  
            >                  Subject:  WS-Arch Usage Scenario S001: Fire and Forget, Single Receiver                              
                      Sent by:                                                                                                                       
                      06/13/2003 11:23                                                                                                               

Here are my comments on this scenario:

This is the very simplest scenario possible. The SOAP Sender sends a
message which is not acknowledged (either positively or negatively). As
a result, this scenario contains nothing involving internationalization

The scenario as written contains one poor example of i18n: a "price"
that consists of a floating point numeric value and no currency:

     <r:StockPriceUpdate xmlns:r="">

This pattern's usefulness would seem to be in servicing subscribers to
information that changes periodically, as in the stock quote example. If
I subscribe to a stock quote, I might get regularly scheduled updates or
updates when certain thresholds that I set are met. I can visualize
setting the settings using a Web site and then having, say, my cell
phone sent SOAP documents containing the updates from time to time. A
"stock ticker" application might use this mechanism as well.

The point of using this pattern is that the SOAP Sender doesn't want to
receive or process responses. If the recipient dies, goes on vacation,
is off, has a problem and so forth, the server doesn't need to do
anything. It just blindly keeps sending messages to the full list of

There could be internationalization ramifications to the use of such a
service. If text is sent, then the language of the text must be
negotiated out of band. Similarly, other contextual information must be
used to provide formatting or specialized data handling affected by
cultural conventions. The main point here is that the sending
application (and its designer) is solely responsible for the
implementation decisions here.




Addison P. Phillips
Director, Globalization Architecture
webMethods, Inc.

+1 408.962.5487
Internationalization is an architecture. It is not a feature.

Chair, W3C I18N WG Web Services Task Force

Received on Friday, 13 June 2003 17:42:28 UTC