WSTF Teleconference Notes

Present: Takao, Andrea, Martin, Deb, self (chair, scribe)
Regrets: Tex, Mike, Kentaroh

=== Action List ===

> Action Item List:
>    - Tex: Post early WSDL review comments.
>    - Deb/Mike: Post rough WS-Choreography notes.
       == Deb busy for next couple of weeks, no progress
>    - All: Please review and contribute additional Scenarios (!!!)
       == Reviewed goals and approach.
>    - All: Please sign up for your 3-4 WS-Architecture scenarios (!!!)

=== General Business ===

Deb> Recevied comments on choreography scenarios from Mark Davis and Addison Phillips. Need to work up the scenarios some more to incorporate some of these items. Deb desires to have fairly generic examples. Also, provide examples of types other than currency (such as SI vs. customary measurement).

=== New Working Draft review ===

Martin> WD comments: Presented the new WSUSWD at www conference in Budapest. Well attended, seems to have been well received.  Two changes in presenation vs. explicit text in WD.

  1. Services can have aspects of more than one pattern. (e.g. one pattern may apply to WSDL and another to SOAP etc.)
  2. Addition of a "data-driven" pattern.

Discussion of Martin's proposed addition of the "data driven" pattern. "Data driven" is when the data sent to a service affects how the service executes. 

Maybe need a section on "i18n problems with data structures", since the framework is meant to apply to how the service executes. Data driven is an aspect of the implementation, but not necessarily an execution pattern. This section would also capture a lot of our extant and uncategorized scenarios.

Example of a data-driven service that really fits the framework definition was proposed: a word tokenizer or word listing service would parse a string based on the language of the string, not necessarily the locale of the server or client. We think we therefore have a 4th pattern to enumerate.

Further comments: all present are okay with the direction of the document. AV still reading it.

Deb> some reservations about the content. Wants to see more enumerated examples and policy.

=== SOAP Feature Discussion ===
Addison> Discussion of SOAP Feature and its relation to WSUS framework. Asked Martin to repeat his comments from editorial meeting:

Martin> Hugo Haas: "SOAP has Features, so we should be okay." / Martin: "Yes, but HTTP has Headers."

Addison> Would like to see SOAP Feature definition as a direction for the scenarios document to move in. Document can define policy or recommendations for users (informative), but ideally a SOAP Feature would be necessary for normative usage or interoperability.

Deb> Want to be sure that work follows Web services policy document (MS, IBM, BEA, SAP). Deb to send link (when he finds it).

Discussion> Decided to continue to develop WSUSWD with eye towards informative examples. Suggestion that we provide detailed examples so that a SOAP Feature could then wrap them as normative in the future to be considered.

=== Review of WS-Architecture Usage Scenarios ===

Deb> Will flesh out choreography scenarios next time.

Addison> Review of goals and methodology.

Addison P. Phillips
Director, Globalization Architecture
webMethods, Inc.

+1 408.962.5487 (phone)  +1 408.210.3569 (mobile)
Internationalization is an architecture.
It is not a feature. 

Chair, W3C-I18N-WG Web Services Task Force
To participate see 

Received on Thursday, 5 June 2003 16:13:53 UTC