WSTF Teleconference Notes

Present: Martin, Andrea, Deb, self (scribe, chair)
Regrets: Takao, Tex, Kentaroh
Absent: Mike

This Meeting: 15 July
Next Meeting: 29 July

Action Items (previous):
> - Tex: Post early WSDL review comments.
    [] Tex absent. Did discuss the documents to be reviewed a little: they are quite large.
> - Deb/Mike: Post rough WS-Choreography notes.
    [] Doing away with this action item as obsolete.
    [] Discussed what Choreography is.
> - All: Please review and contribute additional Scenarios
> - All: Please sign up for your 3-4 WS-Architecture scenarios
    [] all: "we are castigated, please don't beat us..."

Discuss face-to-face activity:
     [] duration? 3 or 4 days seems most optimal. 
     [] timeframe? We want to do this ideally in the Fall. We get the most progress from FTF.
     [] location?

         Deb: Rochester MN, then Bay Area, then No.Virginia.  

     [] Goal: Desire to make goal publishing "final" Usage Scenario document. And also possibly a first draft of requirements. Consider other activities.

     ** Action Item: Addison to send mail about location and exact timing to list.

Other possible face-time activities:
     [] Tech Plenary in Feb/Mar (So. France)
     [] WSWG joint meetings

 3. Discuss Usage Scenario work
     [] Deferred.

 4. (added) discuss collation identifiers (Martin)
     [] Discussion of on-going email thread at link Martin sent. Core TF reviewed XMLQuery/XPath specs. One contains a concept: collation. Lots of collation issues. Identifiers use URIs. Two groups are working on identifiers. Chris Newman (Sun) working on one (comparator registry at IANA/IETF).
     [] Brief, non-detailed discussion of Mark's comments.
     [] W3C-I18N-IG/Core TF: trying to organize a more complete response. 

     ** Action Items:

        WSTF members are invited to get involved as appropriate. This is not a WSTF activity.
        Andrea to forward links to Chris's items to IG and WSTF lists.

 5. (added) Discussion of the term 'user profile' (Deb)
     [] Deb: the design of a system may not be optimal with user profile. It may not be scalable; may present a SPOF.
     [] Deb: Do we need to store unique ID? what about transitory events?
     [] Addison: 'user profile' is given as an example of one way to handle out-of-band data or metadata. The best design may be something else. Our usage scenario document should be agnostic, but pointing out user profile as a possible mechanism is okay.
     [] Addison: we need to describe the i18n issues in the core of Web Services, some of which present implementation decisions like this, but our focus should be on the WS issues.

      ** Action Items:

      Deb/Addison: Review current WSUSWD to ensure that references are sufficiently agnostic.

> Addison P. Phillips
> Director, Globalization Architecture
> webMethods, Inc.
> +1 408.962.5487 (phone)  +1 408.210.3569 (mobile)
> -------------------------------------------------
> Internationalization is an architecture.
> It is not a feature. 
> Chair, W3C-I18N-WG Web Services Task Force
> To participate see 

Received on Thursday, 17 July 2003 21:15:41 UTC