Comments on the requirements document

Editing comments on Requirements for the Internationalization of Web Services.

Consistency - check doc for "Web Service" and lowercase the "s" for relevant 

Trying to clarify text -

1 Introduction

Re: "artifacts" - can we change this to something easier to grok, like 
"entities" or "documents"?  "Artifacts" has a connotation that is hard to ignore.

2.1 R001 SOAP Locale Feature

"... provides the Web service provider international context information about 
the requester ..."  - awk, change "about" to "for" or better yet, reword to:
"... contains the requester's international preferences which the Web service 
provider can use to tailor the language, invocation, or operation of services or 
the operation of the provider ..."

2.3 R003 WSDL International Policy Feature

"Problem Statement: Service providers need a way to provide information about a 
specific instance of a locale-affected Web service will execute ..."
  - missing "how" after "about"

'Requirement: A WSDL feature that allows a service to describe a "locale 
execution policy" for a service or a binding of a service, including any 
additional derived information of interest to users of the service (allowing 
users the select the service and binding that most closely matches their needs 
or to tailor the operation of the service via header information). '

how about:

'Requirement: A WSDL feature that allows the description of a "locale execution 
policy" for a service or a binding of a service, including any additional 
derived information of interest to users of the service.  This allows users to 
select the service and binding that most closely matches their needs or to 
tailor the operation of the service via header information. '

I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my telephone. 
My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone.
-Bjarne Stroustrup, designer of C++ programming language (1950- )

Received on Tuesday, 23 December 2003 19:06:38 UTC