Finished! A day of progress.


We are just wrapping up for dinner after a fruitful first day. The changes to the Use Case document have been posted on-line (we are editing the document live). We welcome comments "live" for the continuation of the Face-to-Face meeting tomorrow. (Understandably, tomorrow is Saturday everywhere, so you might not have time to comment while we're "live"---please forward your comments to the list later if you cannot make them while we are "live").

The document is located at:

For reference, we decided to focus the use case document on specific scenarios, leaving the design and discussion of solutions until we have a "more complete picture".

If anyone reading the list wants to dial into the meeting tomorrow, please email me back at to let me know the time(s) we should activate the bridge.

Dial in information is at: (at the bottom of the page)

Best Regards,


Addison P. Phillips
Director, Globalization Architecture
webMethods, Inc.

+1 408.962.5487 (phone)  +1 408.210.3569 (mobile)
Internationalization is an architecture.
It is not a feature. 

Chair, W3C-I18N-WG Web Services Task Force
To participate see 

Received on Friday, 22 November 2002 18:39:45 UTC