f2f meeting


I'm sorry that I can not attend the f2f meeting. The following is my 

If anything, I prefer biweekly teleconference. 

Use Cases: 
Please add any comments or modify the first rough draft.

I think that we should decide whether locale is one of webservices or 
overall for web architecture. I think that locale should be for whole W3C 
web architecture. 

My opinion is to describe a best practice ( or an architecture) of locale 
using W3C technologies. Usually web applications use locale related 
functions which are provided by Java, Windows, Unix etc. I don't think 
that W3C can provide a programming languages which supports locale related 
functions, but I think that W3C can provide a locale related best practice 
using XML, XML Schema, XSLT and SOAP.  What do you think? 

Requirement document: 
Some requirements are automatically generated from use cases. Some 
requirements may be generated from other webservices usage 
scenarios/requirements documents. I would like to contribute to write 
document, if possible. 

+ + +
Kentaroh Noji : nojik@jp.ibm.com
Globalization Center of Competency, Yamato SW Lab. IBM Japan

Received on Friday, 22 November 2002 09:18:37 UTC