Re: Namespace compare issue (Was: Re: Teleconference Minutes 2007-01-17)

Felix Sasaki wrote:
> I see the problem, but I'm not sure if we need to resolve it for the
> comparison tool. The path attribute is used within the tool to make sure
> that the same nodes are compared. We could use s.t. like this instead:
> <o:node path="/myMetaDoc/body[1]/insert[1]/z:书籍[1]/z:躯[1]/i:rules[1]"
> node-id="n-number" outputType="default-value">
> <o:output o:translate="yes" />
> </o:node>
> "number" in n-number counts the number of the node taking attributes and
> elements into account. I would still keep the path attribute because it
> makes it easier for humans to find the errors.
if you made it an element and attribute count, it would be
easier to implement for me.


 <o:node path="..." e="2" a="1">

would that do?

Sebastian Rahtz      

Information Manager, Oxford University Computing Services
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

OSS Watch: JISC Open Source Advisory Service

Received on Thursday, 18 January 2007 13:20:08 UTC