Re: oddity in test data

Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> NSTest2_LinkedRules1.xml calls
> NSTest2_LinkedRules2.xml. Both sets of rules
> define a namespace called
> "myNamespace1" with different prefixes.
> The prefix (y) in Rules2 is used in Rules1.
> I believe that under the new system of using
> normal namespace declarations, this is just not possible
> to sort out.

what is the problem? You can have two prefixes (or as many as you want)
for the same namespace, e.g.

in NSTest2_LinkedRules1.xml:
<its:rules its:version="1.0" xlink:href="NSTest2_LinkedRules2.xml"
xmlns:x="myNamespace1"> ...

in NSTest2_LinkedRules2.xml:
<its:rules its:version="1.0" xmlns:y="myNamespace1"> ...

if your generated XSLT stylesheets takes both declarations into account,
the XPath expressions in selector attributes should work, no?


Received on Friday, 15 December 2006 01:42:08 UTC