[Bug 3057] Proposal for grouping rules


------- Comment #4 from fsasaki@w3.org  2006-03-29 08:26 -------
(In reply to comment #3)
> Achieveing succinctness of rules by allowing grouping does not seem to me to be
> a very high priority. Can't this wait for version 2? 

would be fine with me :) . Anyway, we have now only "asking for feedback" in
the draft.

> the downside of a simple
> procedure is that if you say
>  <ruleGrp selector="//term">
>    <translateRule translate="yes"/>
>    <termRule term="yes"/>
>  </ruleGrp>
> you have to make @selector on <translate> optional, which
> weakens the validation. But if that isnt a bother, 

it would bother me, since it means that for an edge (possibly "2.0" case) one
would add complexity / the drawback of weakened validation to the core case.
/me always bringing the same arguments ...

> then the
> syntax above would work, and be pretty easy to implement.

Received on Wednesday, 29 March 2006 08:27:00 UTC