Minutes 2006-03-08: ITS teleconference - Correction

Sorry, I forgot to list Goutam in the attendees list.
The corrected minutes are below.



Minutes from the I18N ITS Teleconference of Tuesday, Mar-08-2006


DS: Diane Stoick
GS: Goutam Saha (by IRC)
YS: Yves Savourel
AZ: Andrzej Zydron


CL: Christian Lieske
RI: Richard Ishida
SR: Sebastian Rahtz
FS: Felix Sasaki
NT: Najib Tounsi

Review of action items

-01 NEW: F2F meeting issues (April & June)

-02 PENDING: Tag set editors to integrate discussion result about bugs 2881,2,3 (results from editor's call) into the tagset
--> Pending

-03 NEW: Yves to work on XHTML + ITS modularization
--> Pending

-04 NEW: Yves to write something about versioning for the tagset document
--> Done: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its/2006JanMar/0278.html

-05 NEW: All to read and comment on RI's notes
--> Pending

-06 NEW: All (by Friday) comment on Mandelieu 9 proposals ('agree' or 'need discussion')

-07 NEW: Editor's of the techniques document: give examples how to use its:locInfoRef (action: decide if we need the distinction
between "alert" and "description" for localization information).
--> Pending

-08 NEW: Richard to describe an additional level of conformance for Ruby.
--> Pending

-09 NEW: Felix to update bugzilla with open issues.
--> Pending

-10 NEW: Christian and Felix need to update their result of conformance discussion in the spec.
--> Pending


We discussed the date for the next face-to-face. It seems that, no matter what, we won't be able to find a slot where everyone is
available before the Last Call draft. Doing the face-to-face on Apr-25,26,27 seems to be OK for most (but Richard won't be able to
make it). It would be in Oxford (not Didcot), kindly hosted by Sebastian.

We briefly discussed Richard's comments on section 2. Yves noted that some of them are not relevant anymore since things may change
based on the Mandelieu proposals. Task for the editors: to integrate the proposed changes.

We discussed a bit the proposals made by the group who met at Mandelieu. Andrzej said he would post feedback as time permit.

Since Andrzej and Yves had scheduled time after the meeting to discuss the "segmentation/inliness" topic, they started to work on
that. They came up with a possible solution and a proposal will be posted soon.

The end of the teleconference was spend discussing the terminology topic and the mapping to TBX, especially related to the term
reference id and whether it should be broken down in two or not. Yves said that if the termBase was limited to the document root
element there may be some merit to it.

Action Items

-01 PENDING: Tag set editors to integrate discussion result about bugs 2881,2,3 (results from editor's call) into the tagset

-02 PENDING: Yves to work on XHTML + ITS modularization

-03 PENDING: All to read and comment on RI's notes. Editors to integrated/edit them.

-04 PENDING: Editor's of the techniques document: give examples how to use its:locInfoRef (action: decide if we need the distinction
between "alert" and "description" for localization information).

-05 PENDING: Richard to describe an additional level of conformance for Ruby.

-06 PENDING: Felix to update bugzilla with open issues.

-07 PENDING: Christian and Felix need to update their result of conformance discussion in the spec.

Other Business

- Next teleconference: Wednesday Mar-15, same time.


Received on Thursday, 9 March 2006 17:17:06 UTC