[ESW Wiki] Update of "its0601TechTransOverDev" by YvesSavourel

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The following page has been changed by YvesSavourel:

  = Provide a way to override translatability information =
+ In some cases, it may be necessary to assign to parts of the text content of some documents a translatibility information that is different from the one defined by default.
+ The authors can do this by using the its:documentRules element and, at the a finer level, by using the its:translate attribute, if the document format allow for these constructs.
+ === Allowing its:documentRules with XML Schema ===
+ === Allowing its:translate with XML Schema ===
+ === Allowing its:documentRules with RELAX NG ===
+ === Allowing its:translate with RELAX NG ===
+ === Allowing its:documentRules with XML DTD ===
+ === Allowing its:translate with XML DTD ===

Received on Friday, 3 February 2006 20:32:31 UTC