Ruby example

Hi Karl, cc'ing to public-i18n-its,

This is an example for ruby used to express "unvisible" units as ruby text.

The base text contains a Japanese sentence "Yesterday I went to Shibuya".  
The pronoun "I" is usually omitted in the original, which makes it hard to  
understand for e.g. beginning Japanese language learners.

The ruby text above the base text explains what is omitted. The first ruby  
text line below the base text contains a romanized vesion. The second ruby  
text line below the base text contains morpho-lexical information. The  
abbrivations: "TM" means "topic marker", "DM" means "direction marker".

<p xml:lang="ja" id="omitted-units">
<rt rbspan="5" xml:lang="en">omitted pronoun: "I"</rt>
<rtc xml:lang="en">
<rtc xml:lang="en">

- Felix

Received on Thursday, 2 February 2006 07:52:34 UTC