Re: locInfo ... Global rules

Hi Yves, all,

I implemented your proposals. Please look at the changemarks at

If nobody disagrees, I would keep it like that.

- Felix

Yves Savourel wrote:
> Hi all,
> Trying to look at the locInfoRef and termRef attributes to do my action item, I ran into the description of the locInfo section
> <>.
> It seems we are missing some definitions: what exactly is locInfo and locInfoRef for example. We also say twice that "The selector
> attribute is mandatory". I've tried to come up with a more explicit wording and one example per case (this is for the global rule):
> --------------------
> 6.3.2 Implementation
> Localization information can be expressed with global rules, or locally on an individual element.
> Using global rules, addition of localization information to selected nodes is achieved with a locInfoRule element, which has a
> mandatory selector attribute and a mandatory locInfoType attribute. The information associated to the selection can be indicated
> different ways using either a locInfo element, a locInfoRef attribute, a locInfoPointer attribute, or a locInfoRefPointer attribute.
> The locInfo element, locInfoRef attribute, locInfoPointer attribute, and locInfoRefPointer MUST NOT occur together.
> The locInfo element contains the information itself.
> <myDoc>
>  <head>
>   <its:rules xmlns:its="" its:version="1.0">
>    <its:locInfoRule locInfoType="alert" selector="/body/p[1]">
>     <its:locInfo>This p element has to be handled carefully.</its:locInfo> 
>    </its:locInfoRule>
>   </its:rules>
>  </head>
>  <body>
>   <p>Paragraph to translate.</p>
>  </body>
> </myDoc>
> The locInfoRef attribute is a URI referring to the location where is the information.
> <myRes>
>  <head>
>   <its:rules xmlns:its="" its:version="1.0">
>    <its:locInfoRule locInfoType="description" selector="/body/msg[@id='FileNotFound']"
>     locInfoRef="ErrorsInfo.html/#FileNotFound" />
>    </its:locInfoRule>
>   </its:rules>
>  </head>
>  <body>
>   <msg id="FileNotFound">Cannot find the file {0}.</msg>
>  </body>
> </myRes>
> The locInfoPointer is a relative XPath expression pointing to a node that holds the information.
> <Res>
>  <prolog>
>   <its:rules xmlns:its="" its:version="1.0">
>    <its:locInfoRule locInfoType="description" selector="//msg/data"
>     locInfoPointer="../notes" />
>    </its:locInfoRule>
>   </its:rules>
>  </prolog>
>  <body>
>   <msg id="FileNotFound">
>    <notes>Indicates that the resource file {0} could not be loaded.</notes>
>    <data>Cannot find the file {0}.</data>
>   </msg>
>   <msg id="DivByZero">
>    <notes>A division by 0 was going to be computed.</notes>
>    <data>Invalid parameter.</data>
>   </msg>
>  </body>
> </Res>
> The locInfoRefPointer is a relative XPath expression pointing to a node that holds the URI referring to the location where is the
> information.
> <data>
>  <prolog>
>   <its:rules xmlns:its="" its:version="1.0">
>    <its:locInfoRule locInfoType="description" selector="//string"
>     locInfoRefPointer="@noteInfo" />
>    </its:locInfoRule>
>   </its:rules>
>  </prolog>
>  <body>
>   <string id="FileNotFound" noteFile="Comments.html/#FileNotFound">
>    <data>Cannot find the file {0}.</data>
>   </string>
>   <string id="DivByZero" noteFile="Comments.html/#DivByZero">
>    <data>Invalid parameter.</data>
>   </string>
>  </body>
> </data>
> ...then the text for the local markup...
> --------------------
> Cheers,
> -yves

Received on Saturday, 29 April 2006 03:23:07 UTC