Re: Versioning

Yves Savourel wrote:
>>> I still see a need for a version attribute on the rules element 
>>> (beneficial for example for linked rules files since those files 
>>> otherwise would not have an indicator to which version they belong).
>> we decided to link via a xlink attribute which points to a file. 
>> If the top element of that file has a version attribute, you will 
>> take the version. If not, the version is the one indicated at the 
>> top element of the including file.
>> Where is the problem / tricky case with this solution?
> CL> The top-level elements of the file to which the xlink goes is
> CL> "rules", right?
> CL> In that case, you would have/need the version element on "rules".
> Mmmm... It could be (and I think it will be in most of the cases).
> But so far I have assumed you could also link to files that have <rules> but are not necessarily only that. For example you could
> link to the XML Schema, couldn't you?
> Or to some kind of user-defined XML document that include ITS rules along with other things (general instructions for the localizer,
> whatever...). The ITS processor would not care sinnce it looks only to the <rules> element(s?) there.

I assumed the same, and think that even if the external file has the
<rules> files as the root element, it would not need special treatment.

- Felix

> -ys

Received on Thursday, 6 April 2006 14:38:47 UTC